- 1 packet of limonade kool-aid
- 1 packet of pink limonade kool-aid
- 1 packet of limon-lime kool-aid
- 3 cups of sugar, divided
- 14 cups of water, divided
- several empty ice trays (apx. 6)
1) mix 1 packet of limonade, 1 cup sugar, & 8 cups water (as directed on package) in a pitcher. Put in the fridge until ready to serve.
2) mix 1 packet of pink limonade, 1 cup sugar, & 3 cups water in a bowl. Spoon out into ice trays and freeze. (I found a soup laddle worked great for this)
3) Do the same as step 2 with the limon-lime kool-aid
4) When ready to serve, put several "kool-aid cubes" into glasses, pour limonade into glasses and Engoy!